How to register for Courses and Study Paths

It is good to know that at certain times of the year the demand for our Courses far exceeds the offer. Waiting lists are then formed and can last up to two months; in some cases it will be necessary to wait for one or two editions before being able to access them.

It therefore becomes a priority to move on time, contacting directly by email the School’s secretariat where you intend to attend, indicating the Course or the Study Path to which you intend to subscribe.

The School’s secretariat will reply to the email providing all the information requested and indicating the correct procedure to register.

Only after having had the confirmation of the availability of the place, you can proceed with the registration that will be done directly from the SOA website where you will find both the digital registration form to be filled in, (click here), both the IBAN code to make the bank transfer necessary to complete it.

Only after carrying out these two operations, you can be sure that you have been included in the requested Course/ Path.
So please contact your favorite School’s seat as soon as possible and don’t forget to do it by email!

Bank agreements

Via Tadino:
Iban: IT96 N030 6909 4841 0000 000 9820

Via Savona:
Iban: IT45 H030 6909 4570 8246 9570 159

See you soon!
Luca and Guido